100 Years CBS – Making Social Entrepreneurship Our Focus for the Next Decades
When: Sunday 31 December, 2017 - 00:00
Help us define our agenda.
As Copenhagen Business School (CBS) is celebrating its 100 Year anniversary, we are re-evaluating our goals for the next decade. For the past three years CBS has consistently been among the top 10 business schools globally in relation to responsible management in the Good MBA ranking and we reached 4th position in 2016.
Taking this as a point of departure, we are now planning to give an even more specific focus to the area of social entrepreneurship and impact investing. Therefore, we are very interested in getting in touch with practitioners from the field, impact investors, alumni and social entrepreneurs who are interested in these topics. As we want our work to be relevant to both impact investors and practitioners from the field, we would like you to share and implement your ideas to refine what focus our efforts should have.
If you are interested in being involved in this, please use the following link, to give us some pointers as where our focus should lie: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/100yearscbs_focus_socialentrepreneurship_impactinvesting
If you have any questions regarding the link or the research itself, please contact Bontu Lucie Guschke at blg.msc@cbs.dk