Business and Society: From Responsibility to Governance
When: Wednesday 05 July, 2017 - 09:30 to 00:00
Where: CBS
The event is a pre EGOS event and it’s closed for registration
July 5th 2017 marks the day which brings together leading researchers and practitioners in the field of Business and Society, to celebrate the CBS Centenary. This is an area in which CBS has been a long-time leader, including through the Governing Responsible Business research project. The field has also been supported by EGOS in the form of a Standing Working Group of that name (2010-2017), as well as several annual Sub Themes. It is the subject of a new text published by Cambridge University Press, Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategy, Communication and Governance, edited by three CBS professors (Andreas Rasche, Mette Morsing and Jeremy Moon).
The focus of the event would be upon a discussion of the question of a shift from responsibility to governance as the key concept in the business-society relationship. Key questions, include, but are not limited to: Has there been such a shift? Who is governing the business-society nexus, how is this being done; why is it relevant; and with what effects and implications?
It is expected that the event would be attended by participants in the EGOS Business and Society Standing Working Group (2010 – 2017); members of the CBS World Class Research Environment, Governing Responsible Business (GRB); Fellows of GRB; contributors to the forthcoming Cambridge University Press text Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategy, Communication and Governance (eds Andreas Rasche, Jeremy Moon and Mette Morsing); and other invited guests (e.g. from Danish business and society, from international business and society research and practice).
Keynote speakers
Professor Tom Donaldson
Mark O. Winkelman Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania. He is Trustee, Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs; and Chair, FTSE4Good US Committee.
Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, former: Managing Director and Chairman, Shell; Chairman, Anglo-American; Board member, Accenture, HSBC. He is Vice Chairman of the United Nations Global Compact.
Draft proposed programme
The focus would be upon a discussion of the question of a shift from responsibility to governance as the key concept in the business-society relationship. Key questions, include, but are not limited to: Has there been a shift from responsibility to governance in business-society relations, and if so, what is its nature and explanation? What are the implications of a change from responsibility to governance in business-society relations?
09.30 Welcome
09.45 – 11.00 ‘Practitioner and policy perspectives’
– Sir Mark Moody-Stuart
11.30 – 12.30 Unanswered questions; Unquestioned answers about Business and Society: from responsibility to governance’
– Round-tables to identify key questions to the panel and for EGOS
14.00 – 15.15 ‘Academic perspectives’
– Professor Thomas Donaldson
15.45 – 17.00 Panel Discussion
Keynote panel: Professor Andy Crane (Bath School of Management; Co-Editor Business and Society – Convenor); Professor Mette Morsing (Copenhagen Business School, founding director of cbsCSR); Will Oulton (Global Head Responsible Investment, First State Investments); Mads Øvlisen (former CEO Novo Nordisk, former Chair Lego); Susanne Stormer (Vice-President Sustainability, Novo Nordisk).
17.00 Reception and Book Launch Andreas Rasche, Mette Morsing and Jeremy Moon (eds) Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategy, Communication, Governance (Cambridge University Press)
18.30 Dinner