CBS’ history on the big screen
When: Friday 19 May, 2017 - 00:00 to Monday 22 May, 2017 - 00:00
Where: CBS
A short documentary about CBS’ history is in the making. It will premiere in May 2017.
From left to right: retired Rector Lauge Stetting (91), retired Dean and Professor of French Jens Rasmussen (100) and retired Professor of Commercial Law Ole Lando (94) give their personal accounts of special events that took place during their time at CBS. Photos: Emil Munk and Simon Mølvig.
Since August 2016, Journalist Jørn Albertus, CBS Communications, and Film Maker Emil Munk, CBS Teaching and Learning, have collected a gallery of personal accounts of CBS’ history. On camera, former CBS professors, a rector and first cand.ling.merc. Inge Gorm share their thoughts on CBS’ development as an institution of higher education and its struggles throughout the years.
The film portrays focal points in CBS’ history that have left permanent marks on the organisation and addresses the challenging transition towards being one of Northern Europe’s top business schools. The documentary will showcase on campus as infotainment and at special events throughout 2017.
The documentary is yet untitled.
Book script becomes movie narrative
The documentary’s overall narrative is based on a book written by Professor Kurt Jacobsen and Assistant Professor Anders Ravn Sørensen about CBS’ first centenary.
The documentary is not directly linked to the centenary book but is a cinematic project idea that emanated one and a half years ago from Jacobsen’s and Sørensen’s work. For that reason both authors appear in the documentary as historic experts that provide additional perspectives and depth to the narrative.
A vivid cinematic representation
Photos, video and audio recordings from Danish historical archives serve as artistic effects to tell the story of CBS. The last half of the century is intensively covered in newly recorded interviews with eyewitnesses in the form of three retired professors.
Former Rector and Associate Professor Lauge Stetting, Dean and Professor of French Jens Rasmussen and Professor of Commercial Law Ole Lando represent a group of academic veterans who influenced the research environment at CBS from 1945 up until the beginning of 2000.
Today, ranging from 91 to 100 years of age, the interviewees address special cases in which they were heavily engaged and pay homage to those who fought for a better future for CBS at given times.
Funding from CBS Grants
The process of making the documentary has taken about a year for Jørn Albertus and Emil Munk. In Albertus’ words their primary job has been to “personify the CBS institution” and to “visualise (CBS’ history) in a concise manner”.
“The documentary is for all CBS affiliates and students, and hopefully it is a humoristic portrayal. However, it’s also a story about the severity of the struggles CBS has gone through and a story about CBS’ accomplishments as an educational organisation”, say Albertus and Munk.
The documentary is 1 of 13 special centenary projects that have received funds from CBS Grants. Jørn Albertus and Emil Munk were granted DKK 93,000 in May 2016 and the filming started 1 August.
Scheduled showings
19 May – Alumni Day
22 May – Available for online viewing on 100.cbs.dk