CBS Student Affairs Celebrating the Centenary: The Evolution of Study Administration
When: Monday 30 October, 2017 - 09:00 to Thursday 02 November, 2017 - 16:00
Where: CBS, Dalgas Have
An exhibition on processes and platforms in the CBS study administration, in past and present and future perspectives.
During the first 100 years the Study Administrative picture of CBS has certainly not been fixed. Naturally enough a lot of processes, procedures and platforms have changed. The purpose of this exhibition is to show the changes in the study administration from the beginning of CBS’ existence up until today.
During the opening hours of the Student Hub at Dalgas Have, you can come and hear more about the current processes in perspective to the past ways of doing study administration. This will be made visual by an exhibition, which will combine pictures and administrative artefacts from the past, a video and thorough introduction of the present systems and challenging questions about what the future of study administration could look like.
We have a special event during this week, on Wednesday 1 November, where our Student Hub celebrates its fifth Birthday. The Student Hub is the one point entry for the Study Administration. Here we will be serving a birthday cake at 10.00 in the Student Hub at Dalgas Have.
We welcome all! Whether it is to come and share their stories from the past, learn about the ways we are doing things now or to come and reflect upon how the future of study administration might look.
No registration needed – just show up during the week and experience the study administrative spirit of the past, present and future at CBS!