Cultural Institutions and Big Data
When: Friday 01 December, 2017 - 13:00 to 15:30
Where: The Wedge, room 3.41
Many cultural institutions lack data-driven decision making when it comes to pricing and other important decisions. With reduced state funding and increased competition, it gets more important for the cultural institutions to know their audience’s behavior. In the seminar, we will present an innovative prediction model for attendance, based on social media data. The Royal Danish Theatre will be used as a case.
Welcome and opening by professor (mso) Trine Bille (MPP)
Christina Østerby, Director of Programming, Sales and Strategic Analytics, the Royal Theatre: Datadriven decision making at the Royal Danish Theatre
Post. doc. Andrea Baldin (MPP): A prediction model for the Royal Danish Theatre based on Facebook data
Futures possibilities for using big data to increase competitive ness in the cultural sector by professor Ravi Vatrapu (DIGI).
Download the program for the event here: cultural-institutions-and-big-data-invitation-pdf-interaktiv
For registration, please e-mail competitiveness@cbs.dk no later than 30 November.
(Photo from Wiki Commons)