Come celebrate CBS in all its diversity
When: Thursday 27 April, 2017 - 10:00 to 17:00
Where: Solbjerg Plads
What is diversity, why does it matter, and how do we achieve equality in diversity? Come and find out when CBS on its annual Diversity Day opens Solbjerg Plads campus to the public by turning it into a living lab for social change.
On Thursday 27 April 2017 CBS celebrates not only its centenary, but also how diverse the business school has become over the years – and you are invited!
This year’s CBS Diversity Day addresses how to approach diversity and inclusion politically and practically in an organisational context. The overall theme of norm critical intervention methods for managerial practice will set the scene for a combination of scheduled events (see the main programme below) and an open house format where companies and other organisations are represented with various stand activities related to how they work with organising diversity and inclusion.
‘Borrow a prejudice’ at The Human Library to learn more about stigmatised groups. Check your own privilege and your curriculum for bias. Take part in the white awareness workshop to better tackle everyday racism. Create your own badge with queer slogans. Pin yourself on the world map. Play with your gender expression free of stereotypical expectations at our photo shoot. Help catalogue everyday sexism. Get a Louisiana-style walk-in experience of feminist plays.
In short, challenge what you think you know about the limitation, exclusion, and discrimination you may experience simply for not fitting any given norm for gender, sexuality, or ethnicity (or something else) at work, university, and in other social settings – and be part of a social experiment! In collaboration with CBS’ Public-Private Platform research cluster on Diversity & Difference we will integrate culture and science to investigate how Diversity Day may change your understanding of norms, how they affect people, and how they may be changed in order to foster environments that are more inclusive to a larger group of people.
So get ready to get involved and be the difference that makes a difference. There is an interactive element in all scheduled presentations for you to answer questions, using clickers, and see the real-time answers given. More information on CBS Diversity Day 2017 will be posted prior to the event on the Diversity & Inclusion at CBS page on Facebook. Like it to get updates directly in your newsfeed, pop by on 27 April anytime during the day, or live-stream all the events from the main programme.
Scheduled events will take place in rooms SPs03 and SPs05 at Solbjerg Plads campus, which will also accommodate pop-up organisation and company stands/activities in the square in front of CBS Library.
Main programme in room SPs05:
10:00-10:15: Welcome speech: Diversity and inclusion at CBS, Per Holten-Andersen, President, CBS
10:15-11:30: Keynote: The evolution of diversity management – a call for norm criticism, Professor Alison Pullen, Macquarie University & Associate Professor Sara Louise Muhr, CBS
10:30-11:45: Coffee break / stand activities
11:45-12:30: C:NTACT: Battling prejudice through theatrical performances and personal stories of breaking norms
12:30-13:00: Lunch break – with a surprise at campus square!
13:00-13:45: Elite politics: How to irritate the (re)production of homogeneity in the networks of the Danish power elite, Assistant Professors Christoph Houman Ellersgaard and Anton Grau Larsen, CBS
13:45-14:00: Coffee break / stand activities
14:00-15:15: Norm critical workshop: Practical implications of creating a more inclusive and LGBTQ-friendly workplace (with comments from an advisory panel consisting of researchers, politicians, and practitioners), Rikke Voergård-Olesen, Consultant in Norm Critical Pedagogy
15:15-15:45: Coffee break / stand activities
15:45-16.15: Stand-up comedian Ellie Jokar: Who the f… is Ellie? Get ready to get provoked when she gives a satirical take on issues of love, tradition, and religion.
16:15-16:45: ISS Diversity Prize: CBS Diversity Day’s strategic partner, ISS, will reward a company that actively values the diversity of employees and managers, and that has created business results from its work with diversity
16:45-17:30: Reception & Networking – with a surprise!
No registration needed – just show up!