CBS centenary gala dinner
When: Friday 24 March, 2017 - 17:00 to 01:00
Where: Kiln Hall at Porcelænshaven
In 2017, CBS is a 100 years old, which we are going to celebrate at a gala dinner with CBS staff and external business partners. We are looking forward to a festive evening with the Crown Prince Couple, the Minister for Higher Education and Science and this year’s speaker from the business community, Lars Rebien Sørensen.
On Friday 24 March, CBS hosts a centenary gala dinner in the Kiln Hall at Porcelænshaven with 680 guests. We are looking forward to a festive evening and to celebrating the centenary with the staff and external partners of CBS. We are also very proud and happy that the Crown Prince Couple has accepted our invitation to celebrate our centenary. Søren Pind, Minister for Higher Education and Science, will also participate in the gala dinner and give the customary minister’s speech.
CBS is the university of the business community. In 2014, we introduced the “Celebratory Business Speech” as part of the annual celebration.
In the past years, Jørgen Buhl Rasmussen from Carlsberg, Thomas Borgen from Danske Bank and Lene Skole from Lundbeck Fonden have held the celebratory business speech at the annual celebration, which always takes place in March, the month of C.F. Tietgen’s birthday.
Lars Rebien Sørensen, former CEO of Novo Nordisk, is the speaker at this year’s centenary celebration. Novo Nordisk is the largest recruiter of CBS students. We are proud that CBS’ graduates take part in driving and developing one of Denmark’s largest companies for the benefit of the Danish society.
17:00 – 17:30: Arrival (Drinks & Snacks)
17:30 – 17:45: Seating
18:00 – 18:10: Welcome by the Toastmaster, Ole Helmersen
18:10 – 18:20: Annual Speech by Karsten Dybvad, Chairman of the Board, CBS
18:30 – 18:40: Annual Speech by Per Holten-Andersen, President, CBS
18:45 – 19:40: Dinner, First Course
19:40 – 19:50: Speech, by Søren Pind, Minister for Higher Education and Science
19:50 – 20:50: Dinner, Main Course
20:50 – 21:00: Speech by Lars Rebien Sørensen, Former CEO, Novo Nordisk
21:00 – 21:30: Dessert, Coffee & Tea
21:30 – 21:40: Thomas Skinnerup Philipsen, President; and Rachel Scheele, Vice President of CBS Students
21:40 – 01:00: Music & Drinks
Programme ends at 1:00 a.m.