Educating innovative thinkers
When: Thursday 18 May, 2017 - 09:30 to 16:30
Where: CBS - Ovnhallen
Conference on innovative forms of teaching and learning practices: the history and future of higher education, innovative pedagogical forms of teaching and learning and technology-enabled delivery
CBS will turn 100 in 2017. As part of our celebration, we host a conference to recollect, to reflect and to think about the future of student learning in higher education. What are the tendencies in innovative pedagogy? What can we learn from international experiences? And how can we create learning environments that support the needs of future generations and a labour market in rapid change?
With the participation of speakers from Stanford University and the LEGO foundation, we hope to facilitate good discussions and knowledge sharing among university teachers and policy makers in the Danish sector of higher education. More specialized tracks with topics spanning from inductive on campus learning environments to innovative online and blended learning teaching methods will provide the attendees with opportunities to engage with topics of special interest. Last but not least, the conference will visit Student Innovation House for a student centered focus on partnering with students to relate formal and non-formal learning.
Prior registration to the event is required. Please contact Michala Tomra – mt.edu@cbs.dk – for more information