The Minister for Foreign Affairs visits CBS
When: Thursday 09 March, 2017 - 15:00 to 16:30
CBS: Kiln Hall
On Thursday 9 March at 15.00 the Danish Foreign Policy Society, Jyllands Posten and Copenhagen Business School are pleased to invite you to attend this year’s “state of the union” speech on Danish foreign policy by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Anders Samuelsen.
President Per Holten-Andersen will formally welcome the Minister before Anders Samuelsen will give his speech. The Minister will be addressing Denmark’s position in global politics in a time currently characterized by Brexit, a new American administration, the threat of international terror, the Syrian conflict, migration over the Mediterranean and upcoming national elections in EU countries, that might have a lasting impact on the unity of EU.
After the Minister has given his speech the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in a debate with him. Jette Elbæk international correspondent from Jyllands Posten will moderate the debate. Finally, Anders Samuelsen will present an award to the writer(s) of this year’s “best article on foreign affairs” . This year’s theme is about international governmental organisations.
For more infomation please visit the Danish Foreign Policy Society’s website