Philanthropy: hybridity and alternative forms of organizing
When: Wednesday 12 July, 2017 - 00:00 to Friday 14 July, 2017 - 00:00
Where: CBS
Do you like to discuss the answers on questions of today’s philantrophy and generate new questions about the philantrophy of tomorrow? Then join other scholars to the European Research Network On Philanthropy’s (ERNOP) 8th International Conference at CBS, 13-14 July 2017.
Today the study of philanthropy is spread over a large number of disciplines. No longer is it only psychologists, economists and sociologists who examine the how, when, what, where, why and who of philanthropy. The conference will gather scholars from various disciplines sharing a motivation to discuss the answers on questions of today’s philanthropy and generate new questions about the philanthropy of tomorrow.
Call for papers
Participants are especially encouraged to send in proposals addressing the boundaries, new and alternative forms of philanthropy. Not only will the conference serve as a platform to discuss current research developments and to foster new insights about philanthropy today, it will also address the face of philanthropy tomorrow. The organizers welcome papers addressing national contexts as well as cross-national comparisons. Papers can be either empirical – using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed method approaches – or theoretical.
Requirements and procedure:
For the ERNOP Conference 2017, submissions of a short abstract and the full working paper are required. Please submit your abstract at: WEBPAGE by February 17, 2017. You will be notified of acceptance by March 7, 2015. Full working papers will be due June 16th, 2017.
Abstracts should be about 2500 characters long (spaces, punctuation and title included. Authors, affiliations and keywords not included).
Abstracts do not have a set structure. However, an outline of the research questions, methods, data sources, and a brief description of the results is highly appreciated.
Submission deadlines:
Abstracts: February 17th, 2017 (TBC)
Full papers: June 14th, 2015 (TBC)
Practical issues and further information:
Date of the conference: 13-14 July, 2017
Venue: Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
PhD Students Rate: € 270 (early Bird), € 320 (regular) (TBC)
Scholars and non-profit practitioners rate: € 320 (early Bird), € 370 (regular) (TBC)
Other categories (public and commercial sector): € 370 (early Bird), € 420 (regular) (TBC)
Early Bird Rate ends March 15, 2017
Wednesday July 12th 2017 (10 AM-5 PM)
CBS Center for Civil Society Studies & The Carlsberg Academy hosts a pre-conference call “The Philanthropic Impact of European Foundations: A Poster-Based Encounter among Researchers and Practitioners”
A wide variety of philanthropies operates around Europe, but little is known about their actual impact – not only in terms of intended output, but also measured as unintended outcomes and side effects. CBS Center for Civil Society Studies is currently doing trace tracking of European foundations in order to address these understudied research questions. A preliminary report shall be presented at this pre-conference, supplemented by a wide variety of posters presented by a select group of researchers and informed practitioners studying foundations in different parts of Europe.
The morning session is limited to a select group of 50 poster-presenters communicating in a seminar-style format. The participants shall be chosen on the basis of academic and/or practical merits. Abstracts must be forwarded for evaluation by April 3rd 2017. Guidelines for posters and procedures for selection can be found at [to be announced at the ERB`NOP-website]
Participation is free of charge, but admission limited, and registration required. Contact: ep.dbp@cbs.dk