Presenter Symposium at the Academy of Management 2017
When: Monday 07 August, 2017 - 08:00 to 09:30
This Symposium presents curriculum design and content issues in a Scandinavian business school at its Centenary. The aim is an exploration of an educational institution at the interface of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) within the historical trends of the European Union. We hope this step will empirically document how the goals of the European Higher Education Area are functionally linked with the entrepreneurial sensibilities of administration, faculty, and administrative staff during the concrete operations of work.
The series of presentations are framed between trans-cultural epistemological foundations in insight-based critical realism and inquiry into how the institutional entrepreneurs – the program directors – negotiate opportunities, risks, and tensions in curriculum and program implementation. Detailed case presentations take up curriculum effort to successfully engage issues of interdisciplinarity, use of text production as a tool in support of project and thesis writing, and the use of plurilingual content based teaching in a cooperative learning model for European studies. The history of one curriculum model initiated to educate better citizens, combining interdisciplinary methods with language instruction, whose features have endured and diffused throughout the business school, ends the presentation set. Symposium discussion will be designed to invite participants, from within the EU and beyond, to join in collaborative practitioner research for the EHEA future.
Keywords: European Higher Education Area, Curriculum innovation, Scandinavian higher education.
1. Teaching the EU using plurilingual content based teaching and cooperative learning
Magali Gravier, Ph.D.
Email: magr.ikl@cbs.dk
2. At the interface of disciplines: Interdisciplinarity as a driver of curriculum innovation
Dorte Madsen, Ph.D.
Email: dma.ikl@cbs.dk
3. Rigor AND relevance: Challenges of Master thesis writing at Copenhagen Business School
Karl-Heinz Pogner, Ph.D. and Vibeke Ankersborg, MA in History, MA in Communications
Email: kp.ikl@cbs.dk and va.stu@cbs.dk
4. Institutional Entrepreneurs and Curriculum Innovation
Toyoko Sato, Ph.D.
Email: ts.ikl@cbs.dk
5. Insight-based critical realism: a Trans-cultural Epistemology for the European Higher Education Area
Charles T. Tackney, Ph.D.
6. Teaching in foreign languages at the interface of business disciplines
Mette Zølner, Ph.D.
We are pleased to announce submission acceptance by the Management Education and Social Issues in Management Divisions of the Academy of Management.
Please join us at
Program Session: 887
Submission: 13651
Sponsor(s): (MED, SIM).
Scheduled: Monday, Aug 7 2017 8:00AM – 9:30AM at Hilton Atlanta in Room 304.
We wish to thank CBS Senior Management for generous funding assistance to this conference. In addition, we wish to express our profound gratitude to the Otto Mønsteds Foundation for their particular financial support to attend this year’s Academy for our CBS Centenary Presenters Symposium. Otto Mønsted Foundation’s support to conference attendance in the past has helped establish and ensure the research basis for this year’s acceptance – for this steadfast support of academic researchers over many years, we wish to express our thanks. The support received will bring the European Higher Education Area and Copenhagen Business School curriculum innovation to the Academy of Management Conference.