CBS as a Community of Research in Creation
Sometimes when people ask me what I work with and I tell them that I am a researcher, they get this tired expression in their eyes. Then I tell them that there are many kinds of research.
The kind of research that I am interested in is public value as a process of creation – and CBS offers a space for me to deepen myself in my research.
Together with a cross-disciplinary group of professionals I conduct various forms of experiments and lab tests trying to bring people to think and act in qualitatively better ways. This – you might call it an active and engaging approach – creates new forms of public value while simultaneously being the performative out-put of the research.
Many municipalities are talking about welfare 3.0 and welfare as co-creation. These new kinds of buzzwords also pave the way for us as researchers to re-think the role of research. I usually say that we as researchers need to participate even more in the process of creation if we want to add more value.
Research is for me a question about creating a qualitatively better welfare system in and together with society. To actually create ”more welfare”, we need to explore how. Research becomes a question about making new practices together with others in accordance with theoretical approaches and art based methods.
CBS really offers me a space to become – what some international researchers would call – a path-up-setting researcher trying to pave the way for new and qualitatively better relations enabling us to change the deeper strata in our organisations and in our society.
CBS campus is thereby not just a place for people to go from one classroom to another. Campus and research become a ”vivid city” – a series of emerging events – trying to engage and inspire even more citizens to participate in value creation and in the search for a qualitatively better society.