Liza Klöcker-Larsen
In 1955, Liza Klöcker-Larsen received the three-language correspondent diploma and became a homemaker after only three years of work. She was married to Flemming Klöcker-Larsen, who was also an alum, holding both a BSc in Economics and Business Administration and a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration, was the head of the Merchants’ School in Copenhagen (which later became Niels Brock) and the main architect behind the business colleges’ commercial economics programs, in one of which Liza Klöcker-Larsen herself participated.
In 1970, after her husband died very young, Liza Klöcker-Larsen let herself be persuaded to supplement her widow’s pension with a part-time position as a clerk at the Department for Organization and Industrial Sociology (Institut for Organisation og Arbejdssociologi, IOA), where she was also the director of the institute’s publishing house, Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne (“New Publications in the Social Sciences”).
The Business School has always recruited scholars and lecturers from among the school’s graduates, and in recent decades, more and more graduates have also been employed as AC-TAP (academically trained technical and administrative personnel). During her 36 years of employment, Liza Klöcker-Larsen was categorized as part-time office-trained technical/administrative personnel, but one would have some justification for claiming that she was the Business School’s first AC-TAP employee.
Liza Klöcker-Larsen even carried out research, and in 1980, she developed the “TAP study,” which was grant funded by SSF and which she presented at international research conferences. She subsequently wrote textbooks and taught on employee participation in institutions including Danmarks Forvaltningshøjskole (“Denmark’s College of Administration”).
Throughout her years at the business school, Liza Klöcker-Larsen sat on councils and boards; she held a seat on the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Council from the mid-1970s until the late 1980s and a seat on the Board of Governors from 2002 until 2004. She was also elected Associate Dean of her faculty for three years during the 1980s and later elected Head of Department for Organization and Industrial Sociology (IOA), a position she held from 1984 until 1986.
Liza Klöcker-Larsen continued to work as a member of the office-trained technical/administrative personnel until
her retirement in 2006.