Max Kjær-Hansen
Max Kjær-Hansen (1896-1982) established the disciplines business economics and marketing economics in Denmark and was a key figure in the development of Handelshøjskolen. He became a Master of Science in Economics and Management in 1921 and was affiliated with Handelshøjskolen in 1924. In 1924-25, he studied business economics at the University of Cologne and obtained a degree in economics and business administration (dr.rer.pol.).
When he returned, he was appointed as reader and introduced business economics as a central discipline of Handelshøjskolen’s programmes. He also taught organisation. In 1928, he published the first Danish textbook in business economics.
In 1929, Max Kjær-Hansen established a diploma programme in advertising and marketing economics. He opened the Department of Marketing and Advertising in 1932 and became its first head of department. In 1954, he started the establishment of a press research department and became its first head of department.
Following a turbulent process due to a dispute in the assessment committee, Max Kjær-Hansen was the second professor appointed at Handelshøjskolen in 1937. His position at Handelshøjskolen, however, was unchallenged, and his impact on the development of the institution both academically and organisationally seems difficult to overestimate.
Max Kjær-Hansen retired in 1967.